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"If the Olive Trees know the hands that planted them, their oil would become tears."
Mahmoud Darwish

Setting a sign of hope - plant your own olive tree in Palestine!

Which of you can claim to have your own olive tree in Palestine?
Make your own contribution! Help Palestinian farmers build their livelihoods by buying a seedling. In Palestine, many people have given up olive growing in frustration with the destruction of the trees. With this project we want to set an example, plant new olive trees and motivate the people in Palestine to dedicate themselves to the cultivation of this blessed tree.


Olive tree/ certificate/ finest olive oil from Palestine

SKU: 0067
  •  Als DANKESCHÖN erhälst du:

    1. 1 Jungbaum, der noch wächst und gedeiht*
    2. Ein Zertifikat über den Olivenbaumbesitz
    3. Ein Bild von der Namenstafel an jedem bestellten Olivenbaum
    4. den genauen Standort deines Olivenbaums.
    5. 1 Flasche 500ml feinstes Olivenöl aus Palästina per Post.

    Da wir die Bestellungen sammeln und die Bäume auf einmal Pflanzen wollen, erhält jeder Spender im Mai die Urkunden die wir dann per Mail an die versenden. 


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