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Palestinebox is a way to get Palestine products to your door on a regular basis, without having to shop online and without worrying about when to backorder. It is also a way of giving steady support to the Palestinians.



How does Palestinebox help Palestine?

First, it helps the producers of the products: farmers, artists and artisans, and entire communities that benefit from the development of the Fair Trade community. Most people in the occupied Palestinian territories live in complete poverty, with our gift box "we want to pave the way for some young people to find a job, to start a company, to build an independent life, so we enable the artists, craftsmen , designers and small farmers a stable economic perspective through direct and fair trade.

Palestine Box 7 Zatar from Palestine, White Olive Oil Soap, Olive Oil

SKU: 0053
Price Options
One-time purchase
Palästina Box 7
€11.87every month for 3 months
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